Friday, January 10, 2014

"For Vincent!" Acrylic 14" x 16" Canvas

"Newsboy #2"

Lately I have been working on a number of different paintings.   Moving from one to another without "finishing" many!  Not sure why!
Happy to report I did finish this newsboy painting for a very dear friend of mine!  He loves it! He was very surprised and very happy to receive it!  I sold a painting very similar to this a while back that I only recently found out Vincent loved!  He and I were both Boston newspaper boys back in the day! This work has a very special meaning for both of us!   I am still amazed how powerful and important art can be!
Enjoy every second on the planet and savor every day!
Peace and so much more!
"We few, we happy, we band of brothers!"
("Saint Crispin's Day" W.Shakespeare)
(Thank you Janice!)


  1. Beautiful portrait! I love the subject matter and the rich color choices. They look beautiful against the blues. A true gem Michael! Stay warm and well!

    1. Hello My Ever So Colorful Wonderful Watercolorist Art Buddy!
      Love seeing your name appearing on the comment form!
      Thank you so much for your very kind and positive comments! I am glad you noticed the colors! I purposely choice bright bold basic primary colors. Often I have no explanation why I make certain painting choices. As is in this work. I did however want the image to portray a hint of sadness a huge amount of pride, determination, fortitude, and courage. Selling newspapers so long ago probably wasn't as interesting to me then as it is now. Of all my many paintings this one is up there with the ones with so much emotional attachment and meaning!
      Your Art Loving Buddy!

  2. Michael I love the bold colours! It is so nice of you to surprise your friend with a painting that means so much to both of you. It's a great idea to keep special times in your life alive through your art.
    I hope you are keeping warm!
    Your trying-to-keep-cool art cobber.

    1. Hello Wendy!
      Hi Mate!
      As always so wonderful to hear from you!
      I am so glad you noticed the bold colors! I mentioned to Celia that I purposely chose to use very bold and basic primary colors! I am often never sure why I make many art making decisions! With this work I was so motivated to show the emotions of a very young boy doing what I think now is such a noble thing, working! A bit sad but so much more other wonderful emotions tied to this one for me and my dear friend Vincent! As youngsters we probably didn't even think about how in the future selling newspapers on a city street corner would make for a such an important painting. Oh well I am rambling on a bit! Art and its emotional context are so very important to me. I am so happy when others notice that. Thank you for being one of my dear art buddies Wendy!
      You are so "cool" now stay cool!

    2. You really did capture the emotions well too Michael. I had thought he looked quite melancholic but hesitated to say so in my initial comment.

    3. Hello Wendy,
      Some very sad news. My friend Vincent passed away this morning. He was very ill for a long period of time. His illness was I am sure one of the reasons there was that sadness in the painting. I am so glad I sent him his favorite painting.I am amazed how this blogging thing had brought me so close to so many from so far away. You certainly are one of my dear art buddies. Thank you Wendy for so much!
      Your USA Sad Art Buddy!

    4. I saw your post a little while ago Michael and left a comment. I was surprised and saddened to hear the news about your dear friend after only just thinking how lovely it was for him to have such a great surprise with the gift of your painting.
      You are also a dear art buddy to me Michael.
      I'm thinking of you! I hope the wonderful memories of your friend help you get through the sad days ahead.

  3. love it...I can see why Vincent wanted it...just excellent!

    1. Welcome back Celeste! I am thrilled you are on the mend and feeling better!
      Your blog posts were missed. As were your wonderful paintings. So again, welcome back buddy!
      Thank for taking time to visit and write while you are getting better!
      An "excellent" comment from you is so very important to me!
      Thank you Celeste!
      Stay well and get more art out there!
      Your Happy To Hear You Are On The Mend Art Buddy!

  4. A piece of art is always special when that painting has a special meaning to the other person! I can see why Vincent likes this painting... Excellent work, my friend!!!!

  5. Hi Hilda, My Wonderful Portrait Painting Art Friend!
    You are so right about art having special meanings. So very special in this case as in so many others. I think everyone of your fine portraits are notable not just as great works of art. Done with great skill and affection but with the special meaning for you, the model or reference person, and so many others that you know of and you will never ever know! Thank you for your "Excellent work!" comment. Coming from you Hilda it means the world to me!
    Take care and please keep on making and posting your great art!
    Your Friend!
