Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year! Artists Rock!

Red cardinal, white snow, evergreen tree!  Can't get much better than that!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Thank you for visiting my little art blog this year!  Your comments make my day!


  1. It is festive Michael! You got a great shot of the red cardinal. I have enjoyed visiting your blog this year and seeing your beautiful art. I wish you joy, peace and health in the new year!

    1. Thank you Celia! Same wonderful wishes for the new year to you also!
      I was very fortunate to get the photo. Most of the time the cardinals are very cautious. They fly away at the slightest movement or sound. I have also enjoyed your visits to my little blog and loved checking out your wonderful art. I will try to catch up on your daily works! Take care. Celia!

  2. Happy New Year to you!!! Wishing you a wonderful, creative 2014!

    1. Thank you Joan! The very best New Year to you also! One of my many goals is to try to stay current with all your wonderful posts! You are so very talented and very prolific!
      Happy New Year Joan!

  3. WOW! Michael how stunning is this?! What a great shot! This must be the one of the most quintessential northern hemisphere Christmas/winter images you could find. It makes me determined to brave a northern winter one year so I can see such sights with my own eyes. I can see why winter is a favourite season for you.
    Was there any snow left around on Christmas day?
    Happy New Year to you!! I hope 2014 is a great year for you and your family!
    Your art cobber Wendy

    1. Hello My Australian Art Buddy!
      I am so thrilled that you like this photo. I love just about everything thing in life. All animals, birds, flowers, people, etc. etc. Way up the top of my favorite images our red cardinals perched in snow covered trees. Just again today I was able to photograph a small cardinal by a huge snow covered corn field near my house. I will post it soon! I do so love winter! I love the cold! Also love the snow and the dark mornings and dark evenings with the stars brightly shining! A fantastic sight especially on snow covered woodlands and fields!
      No snow on Christmas!!! Very cold! But no snow. I dressed as Santa and did get to go to the seacoast and spend the day at my brother's home. I may post a photo of Santa aka me at the sea!
      A very Happy New Year to you, your family, your friends, and all the wonderful Aussies!!!
      Your Art Cobber!

  4. ...and thank you for visiting mine, Michael! Happy New Year...here's to more painting in 2014!

    1. I love your blog Celeste. You always have great art to see! And something fresh on a daily basis! Nice prose also! I do so appreciate you visiting mine and writing! Thank you buddy!
      Happy 2014!

  5. Happy 2014, Michael - I know it will be filled with creativity and lots and lots of art!

    1. Hello My Rocking Fun Filled Art Blogging Buddy Susan!
      Happy 2014 to you also! Creativity is certainly the way to go! Lots of art from you would make my year! I love your work Susan! Thank you so much for visiting my little blog and writing such very kind words. Always makes my day!
      So keep on keeping on! Make great art! Work furiously! Remember what our friend Vincent V. says and does. His passion for art excites me!
      Peace and Joy and so much more for 2014!
      Michael Lover Of Flying Horses and Outstanding Ballerinas!

  6. I saw on the news that you've had stupendous snow falls over there, I hope you are not too snowed in?

    1. Hey Mate! G'Day!
      Thank you for your concern! Tremendous amount of snow and cold this round. All went well. We did not lose power and no one snowed in! However the Massachusetts sea coast residents had a very rough time. Flooding power outages and more. My brother lives on the sea but he did very well! Today I was outside taking some photos to post! I love the snow so much. I hope I don't bore our fellow bloggers by posting snow photos. Maybe I will try to include some art too!
      I love your latest post. The illustration of your daughter and her buddies is outstanding. Make a great Children's picture book? I think so cobber!
      Take care and be on the lookout for snow photos soon!
      Your snow loving art mate!

  7. Each day the Cardinal pair visits my feeders and I am thrilled every time! This is indeed, a picture perfect postcard shot of the regal red bird!
