Red Sox Win World Series!
We were on a wonderful West Caribbean Cruise! I wanted to be home with my beloved home town heroes, The Boston Red Sox! Huge celebration in the city! But we did get to celebrate our own way in the Western Caribbean. A new Red Sox Nation!
(Poor internet connections on ship! Posted this as soon as we got home! I missed all my fellow art bloggers! Also missed making art. Did some watercolors.
I am so happy the Red Sox won! Especially after the Boston Marathon Tragedy! Please put up with my while I post a few photos celebrating Boston so far from home! (Thrilled I remembered to pack my Red Sox banner that has been all over the world. Maybe some day I will post photos of the banner in Italia, Greece, Egypt, and more!) So, thanks for putting up with my Red Sox photos. So happy to be back on line with my wonderful artist bloggers!)
Go Boston!
Go Red Sox!
So good! So good!
I took this photo off the television right after the winning pitch! |
Me with my wonderful banner as soon as we landed in Curacao! |
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At the Halloween party on board ship my wife and I dressed as Red Sox fans! |
Me at the top of the ship displaying my Boston Red Sox pride for all to see! |
On formal night dinner I still had to let everyone know how I felt! So happy for my home town! Check out my tie! |
Who is that Red Sox artist in the Cayman Islands? |
Oh, I did get to do a few small watercolors!
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Me in Margaritaville! |
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Viva Mexico! Viva Red Sox! Thanks for putting up with me! |
Great trip! I like every one of your watercolors; they are just enough. I appreciate that; I tend to over do. Reluctant congrats to your Red Soxs from a disappointed Tiger fan.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Linda! So very, very good to hear from you! You are the best! I am so sorry about Detroit losing! I am always torn between winning and losing. If "my" team wins I am immediately drawn to the team that lost! I can feel happy and sad at the same time. When I was teaching I tried to instill that same empathy to my students! I so much understand the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. I also felt bad for the Cardinals and their fans! Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my watercolors. I don't paint often in watercolor. I love the medium. On the trip I couldn't pack all my acrylic gear so watercolors was the plan! I know what you mean by overdoing a work. I tend to worry about under doing! Again thanks for stopping by Go Detroit! (Love the Chrysler commercials, "Imported From Detroit!" Keep painting and posting!
DeleteTake care.
what a fun post! I am happy for you that your beloved Red Sox won! woooooohoooooo! So fun to see you celebrating it "everywhere". Great watercolors....absolutely great!!
ReplyDeleteHello my dear art friend Celeste!
DeleteI am so happy you saw the fun in this post! I was, and I still am, so very happy the Sox won! So much fun! I do love the Red Sox! I love anything "Boston!"
I am also glad you liked my watercolors. Had to make time to paint! Of course on a cruise I was surrounded by my beloved ocean so I had so much inspiration!
I love your blog and your art work! You are one rocking artist!
Take care my art buddy!
I was wondering where you were...and why you were so quiet after that big win. Even I watched the game rooting for them. They were really great...especially under pressure.Congratulations!!! Looks like you had a fun trip. I love that you take the banner with you. The watercolors you did are really nice. I love the hibiscus and the ones of the water.
ReplyDeleteHey Joan! I don't know how it happened but my response wound up at the end of the posts! Please check it out! Whaaaaaaaat!
DeleteHi Michael, I'm so glad your team won and that you had the opportunity to display your support and excitement all around the West Caribbean.What fun you have had!! I really enjoyed seeing all the photos of you and your wife and your banner. Maybe the banner will accompany you to Australia one day! What wonderfully exotic locations you have been visiting!
ReplyDeleteI was very impressed to see how many lovely watercolours you had done while on your cruise. What inspired you most artistically while on your holiday? The ocean or the places you visited?
I was relieved to see it was because you were enjoying a cruise that we hadn't heard from you in so long. I was beginning to worry that you weren't well!!
Happy homecoming!
Your art cobber Wendy
Hello My Dear Australian Art Buddy Wendy! It is amazing and a wondrous that we artists have developed these cyberspace friendships! I am so sorry I many have worried you! But it is heartfelt to know that you, someone from the other side of our wonderful planet cares and knows me! I still can't get over the power of social media! Great! So thank you so much for so much!
DeleteThank you for your support of me and my Boston Red Sox baseball team! My dream and even more so my wife's love is to visit Australia! I would love, love, love to go there. Imagine if you got to meet my wife and me! Just the other night I was watching a 1971 movie called "Walkabout!" Very interesting and "arty" movie about "The Outback!"
Thank you for your wonderful comment about my watercolors! My main source of inspiration was the Caribbean Sea! Being on the ship and surrounded by the sea was heaven for me! I so much love the ocean! The Caribbean is very different than "my" North Atlantic! I wish I could have packed large canvases and acrylic and oil paints! Then I would have really been in the zone! I took many photos and already have planned and maybe over planned some ocean work!
So my dear Cobber Mate you have a very G'Day!
Thanks again for being my Australian Art Buddy!
Ocean aka Michael
Michael! We were all wondering (and worried) expecting a blog blast after the Red Sox win. Now we know! You were just cruuuuuuuuuising bro... sweeeeeeet! ; )
ReplyDeleteGreat watercolors you did while away. Very inspired! I can see the positive affect the warm cruise had (not that you could get any warmer!).
I'm sure you did not miss a minute of the series even on the cruise and we finally (blog) meet your wife, a fine and smart woman She is.
Welcome back!
Keep painting...
Ola David! So very, very good to hear from you buddy! It is wondrous and so heartfelt to be missed by my art blogging friends. We are so very fortunate. Thank you for your friendship! I certainly was and I still am in Seventh Heaven because the Red Sox won! I also missed everyone! I very much checking out everyone's art and posting some of my own! I am thrilled and still amazed with the power of social media!
DeleteI am so glad you enjoyed my watercolors David! Coming from you that is such a compliment! I did watch every second of the series. At times I was too nervous to watch television when the opposing team was at bat! So funny huh! I am so happy you like my wife. I am so very fortunate to have her in my life. Thank you David! Thanks so much for so much!
Take care my dear South West Coast urban industrial train and more painting art buddy!
Welcome back Michael!
ReplyDeleteI was a little worried not having heard anything after the Red Sox victory. I am so happy to see your photos enjoying a beautiful Carribean cruise. You and your wife show great team spirit!
The watercolors are amazing! I can feel the inspiration of your tropical surroundings with the gorgeous washes and colors.They are fresh and energetic.Keep working in my favorite medium!!
Thank you so much Celia! I am so happy to be welcomed back by you! So very kind! I am flattered and so very happy that so many of our art blogging pals missed me. So kind and heartfelt. We are so fortunate! Thank you so very much for thinking of me. I am so sad to have caused people to worry! However it is so gratifying to know that people care! Life can be so very good! I love people! The fact that you like my watercolors thrills me so much! I think you are such a great watercolorist and fine artist! Thank you Celia! My wife and I do make a pretty good team spirit couple. Thanks! I am glad you noticed my washes. I think that is one of the things I love about the medium! I also love that watercolors are so freeing and unpredictable. For me they do most of the work! I am glad it is your favorite medium. You handle it so well! Thank you so much for your interest and your support. I will be checking out your blog so keep posting great art Celia!
DeleteYour Caribbean Sea influenced Art Buddy!
I'm SO glad you're back, Michael !!!!! I missed you! You look like you had SO much fun on your look amazing and love the picture of you all dressed up...very handsome!!! And you did a beautiful watercolor of the hibiscus.....!! Glad your team won!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow Hilda! I am so happy that you are so glad I am back. I am so very happy and touched that so many of our wonderful art blogging buddies think of me! Ahhh! So good! So good! I did have so much fun on the cruise. The ocean certainly is one of if not my favorite things on and off the planet. I so hate to have favorites. So limiting! So let's just say the ocean is up there is the top millions and millions of things I love. Very high up though! Thanks for such a wonderful comment. I am happy you got a kick out of me in a jacket and tie. it was formal night and I think I was the least formal dressed. Especially with my Red Sox tie! Thanks again Hilda! I love your work! Your are amazing! Keep painting the most beautiful portraits my friend!
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ReplyDeleteCiao Michael,
ReplyDeletea guardare le tue foto si sente l'America vicina!
Rendi sempre con grande entusiasmo il clima americano e fai venire voglia di seguirti!
Ciao, ciao, abbracci, Floriana
Ciao Floriana! How are you my friend! I am so happy to hear from you! I am glad you enjoyed my post! I enjoyed my cruise. Loved my team winning and even got to paint a few watercolors! I love your watercolors! Great drama in your work!
DeleteHuge hugs to you my friend!
Grazie! Ciao! Abbracci! Michael
Hello Michael, your watercolours are lovely! Greetings from Montreal.
ReplyDeleteBonjour Linda! Merci! Thank you so much for dropping by! I am so glad you enjoy my little watercolors! I just recently visited your blog and I love your photographs. I will write on your blog and visit often! (Oh, I love Canada! I have been to all the Maritime Provinces, to Quebec City and my dream is to visit Montreal!) So thank you again for visiting. I hope you return soon!
DeleteVotre ami!
Michael aka Michel
Wow, you've been having loads of fun lately! The watercolor paintings are wonderful. I'm sure you came home from the trip with all kinds of photos and ideas for more artwork too! I hope we see more!
ReplyDeleteHello Katherine!
DeleteYou are right much fun! I love your latest creation! I am happy you like my little water colors! You are right again! Already planning more art inspired by the trip! Thank you so much for dropping by!
Good morning Joan!
ReplyDeleteYou are the best!
It is so nice to be thought of! Thank you! I so wanted to share so much of my joy with my art blogging buddies but the ship's internet wasn't always working well! Thank you for supporting the Red Sox! I am glad you love me taking the banner with me! I have taken that same banner all over the world. Funny I am not a Red Sox fan as much as I am a Boston fan!
I am thrilled that you like my watercolors! You are the best watercolor painter! Thanks so much for so much!
Your art buddy!
You ALWAYS bring a smile to my face! I love your exuberance and abject joy of life! It is contagious, Michael - and I am so happy your Boston Red Sox won the world series! O' happy day!
ReplyDeleteHello Susan! Hello My Child Of The Universe Art Buddy! I am so very happy to hear from you! So happy indeed! I am thrilled and so happy that I can put a smile on your face! Wow! That is so wonderful. Imagine how great a smile is! I love picturing you smiling! Yippee! See, now I am smiling! Maybe somebody reading this may smile! Hey we could do a "smile wave" like in football games. Okay now I am going a bit far! I am glad you see my love of life. I think joy is such a wonderful thing to experience. I make every effort to be joyful! Of course at times it is not easy. Even difficult! Even an effort! But life is so short! (But wide?) Thank you for being happy for me and my little Boston Red Sox buddies. I love Boston! I love all cities and towns but because Boston is my hometown it is so very special to me. I am glad the Sox won also because after the terrible tragedy at the Boston Marathon the city and its people could use a little joy! So my dear very talented and fun filled art buddy, O' happy day to you too! ( I am glad to see your drawings!!! Now let me be even happy to see a few flying horses or maybe some ballerinas doing whatever you think they should be doing!) Take care Susan! Paint on and on and on and on and on!
DeleteYour happy to put a smile on your face art buddy!
ok, art friend....let's see a painting or another great photo of what you are doing these days! :)
ReplyDeleteCeleste! You are the best! Just the gentle push I needed. My bad! Imagine trying to make time to paint! I am now going to my studio to finish an East Boston urban scene. Finished or not, I will post it today! Thanks my art friend
Delete(Thank you for even wanting to see my work or a post! I am blessed!)
Hi Michael,. A world series, a fantastic cruise and beautiful watercolors. Can life get any better?
ReplyDeleteBest, Sue
Hello Susan!
DeleteThank you for dropping by! So true! Life can be so good! "So good! So good!"
I am glad you liked the watercolors. On my balcony every day I painted a tiny ocean scene!
Best to you Sue!