Friday, August 24, 2012

"Two Paintings - Same Tree" Acrylic Canvases 24"x 30"

I was so very excited and had so many, many ideas on how to paint this tree that I was constantly changing this piece. I decided to get another canvas and paint the same subject twice at the same time.    I enjoy the creative process so much  that many times I paint over probably what could have been a pretty good piece of art.  To solve that challenge I now am simultaneously painting this tree on two different canvases in two different ways with two very different palettes.  (Now that I am thinking about this I may need more than two canvases! ) It is so much fun.  Exhilerating!  
While I paint I am often reminded of a quote of our art buddy, Vincent Van Gogh, "I put my heart and soul into my work and I have lost my mind in the process!"  Let's see where these two pieces take me.

 #1 Canvas 
# 2 Canvas


  1. Michael!
    What a great idea!
    I am so glad you thought of it!
    Now from now on try waiting for others to comment before you do!
    Take care.

  2. Is a very interesting exercise. It's also fun. I think you are a very emotional artist. That look in your art. I like intense artists. You transmit enthusiasm.
    many greetings.
    Your friend Ricardo

  3. Ricardo,
    Thank you very much. Muchos gracias!
    I am a very emotional artist! I like my work being described as intense. Again thank you! I also love you describing my work as enthusiastic! You have made me very happy and you have made my day. It is a wonderful feeling when another artist, especially one as talented as you are, understands and appreciates my art. Thank you Ricardo for taking the time to write those wonderful comments. We are very fortunate to have artists blogs where we can connect with people all over the world. I am so happy today!

  4. Hi, Michael - a very interesting idea. I may try it myself one day. I like the boldness of your approach and how your finished work seems to emerge from your energetic brushstrokes.

    1. Hi Susan,
      Thank you so much for stopping by and being so nice to leave a comment. It means so much to me to hear from fellow artists! Thank you for your kind words. You are very observant. Most of my work does seem to "emerge" from the painting rather than me paint the images out right. I am so happy you noticed that because that is probably the best description of how I do most of my work. I usually let the painting "dictate" where it wants to go.
      I love your Vincent Van Gogh quote in the beginning of your blog! I also enjoy your work. Love the colors, excitement, movement, and the subject matter and so much more! Very bold yourself! I will be following your work regularly. Keep on painting.

  5. I like these, the sparity of each with no definitive background, very surreal and lively quality contrasts nice with the leafless trees!
    I like the idea of painting two or more simultaneously, of the same image. I have done the same but not for awhile.
    I usually am working on several at the same time, but different ones.
    Keep painting...

  6. Thank you David!
    I am always so happy to read your comments!
    You are such a talented artist. Your words mean so much to me!
    Yes, I will keep painting! You too!
