Friday, June 1, 2012

"Never Finished And Or A Work In Progress" Acrylic Canvas 30" x 36"

 I started this painting sometime ago.  It is a view of Boston from East Boston that I have done many times and in many different ways.

I did some stuff a few weeks ago and then went on to another painting.
Last week I found it in a pile of "unfinished" paintings and I decided to do a little work on it.
Yesterday and today I spent quite a bit of time  working on this painting.I am thinking I may finish it soon.  Or maybe I won't.  It is fun to see a painting in progress.   One of the challenges, joys, and thrills about my painting process is that  I start out with an idea but I keep it vague. The painting many times dictates where it wants to go and when it is finished.  Because of this I am never quite sure when many of my works are finished. Maybe they never really are.  I am liking this journey and where it is taking me this time.


  1. Can't wait to see it finished! Nice job so far!!

    1. Hi Joan,
      Thank you for support! I am also looking forward to the finished product! I am wondering what it will be!
      Take care.

  2. I so agree that often a painting will tell you where it wants to go. It's really nice when that happens. Looks as though your cityscape is definitely talking to you.

    1. Hello Shirley,
      Thank you for stopping by! So very good to hear from you. Also thank you for your very positive comments. Let's see where this painting goes from here!
      Take care.
