"Boston From East Boston" Acrylic Canvas 12" x 24" One of many in a series! Almost finished! Gift for friends' daughter's graduation from Northeastern University in Boston! |
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Me at nephews' home in Boston's Southend. Historic Brownstone Building! In town for family Easter gathering and to view Patriots Day Boston Marathon! |
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So very happy to be at Boston Marathon! Especially after last years tragedy! Pleased to see so many spectators and almost thirty seven thousand runners! Boston is on the mend! |
So very happy to see American Meb Keflezighi win this years Boston Marathon! So good for the city and country. First time American won the race in more than three decades! |
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Emotional and well done book of photographs of items left at makeshift 2013 Boston Marathon Memorial! |
Congrats on being in the book! I remember your piece...very emotional. Glad to see the marathon went well and as always was done with a touch of Boston class! It is great that you could be there.
ReplyDeleteHello Joan!
DeleteAs always, so very good to hear from you! I am sorry I am late in replying! I am never sure where the time goes! But it does!
Thank you so much for writing. Your very supportive comments make my day! I am also glad you remembered the piece. Interesting how events can take turns that one would never ever think of! You are so right about the Marathon this year. At first we were quite nervous. Then our nervousness turned to vigilance than that turned into having a wonderful day! Many emotions but still the overall feeling that it was a good day!
Thanks for so much Joan!
WOW MICHAEL! Very cool!
ReplyDeleteI can't think of a better ambassador for Boston than you. This is recognition well deserved!
Your art, especially for the many tributes you have done for this event, firefighters and your much beloved city of Boston, is always so heartfelt.
So happy to hear your painting/collage made the book as it should have, not surprised though! And you were asked to meet the author and photographer!
You most definitely needed to be there for the marathon.
I'm sure you have a copy of the book right?
And I will add you were looking quite dapper for your Easter gathering.
Your West Coaster,
Keep painting and tributing...
Hey Buddy!
DeleteStill trying to catch up on my replies to so many wonderful comments! Then on to checking others blogs! Where does the time go!
So, as always David, thank you so much for visiting my little blog and writing wonderful words of support and even praise! Means the world to me!
"Ambassador For Boston!" I like the sound of that! Thanks David!
My wife and I stayed in the city for a few days! It was very emotional! Marathon and so much more! Thrilled to see so many people and runners! Sad at times but most of time excited and even happy! Odd how feelings can come go and change!
I am not sure if I mentioned this before but when I ran the Marathon, twenty four years ago, my family and friends waited for me at the same spot that the second bomb went off at last years race. So we certainly had very mixed emotions last year and this year! So you are right. We certainly needed to be there this year!
At the signing the author did give me a signed copy of the book! At times it seemed like a strange event because the collage was made for a makeshift memorial. Never ever thought it would be published. Life certainly can have some very interesting twists!
I am glad you got a kick out of my "Easter Attire!" I am not much of a fashionista but I will do my best to keep family happy! So good to laugh!
Take care David! Now I am off to check your blog and our mutual blog buddies too!
Your Keeping On Painting and Tributing East Coast Art Buddy!
Go Clippers!
Congratulations, Michael !!!!! SO well deserved, my friend!!! You are definitely the person to represent Boston!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are the best Hilda! Thank you so much for your very kind comments! You are so nice! Imagine little old me "Representing Boston!" I like the sound of that! Thank you Hilda!
DeleteNow I must hurry on over to your blog and catch up on your great art!
I will comment soon buddy!
Your City Of Boston Representer?
Wow Michael what a stellar post!! Congratulations on getting featured in the commemorative book! What a wonderful surprise and honour it must have been for you - and so well deserved! You did such a great job with that collage . I was thinking of you when I heard how well attended the Boston Marathon was this year. It must have been a very emotional experience with the memories of last year's horrors still so fresh. So pleased to hear that an American won this year - very fitting!
ReplyDeleteYou look fantastic in both your photos - both worthy of being framed! I agree with David that you do look very dapper! A great shot with you and the author too! I hope you had a great Easter dinner.
Your nephew has such a beautiful house! Such amazing architecture and so iconic. I have seen those Brownstones on a lot of movies and TV shows over the years, and it is great to see all the close up detail of the entrance in your photo.
Look forward to seeing the painting you are doing for your friend's daughter!
Your other side of the world West Coaster,
P.S. Meant to say I was looking forward to seeing the FINISHED version of the painting. It's looking great already!!
DeleteHey Mate!
DeleteSo very sorry I am so late in replying to your wonderful message! Not sure what I am doing with my time but I need to work more on managing it better!
Thank you so much, as always, for your very kind words Wendy! I was so very surprised to have a photo of the collage published in such a grand book! The image didn't come out too clear because the painting had been out in the elements for so long before it was photographed. Do you remember I pasted two small Australian flags onto the collage? One was of your country and the other was an Aborigine flag. I also glued on a very small photo of one of my favorite, old school, marathon runners, Rob de Castella? Also Boston's own Bill Rogers. My wife and I were thrilled to be at the Marathon with so many people.
Good day for the city, the state, and the country! You are right! Very emotional!
So very kind of you and David to think of me as "dapper!" Easter was a blast! Great to be with my family in Boston! I am glad you liked the Boston Brownstone! I love all the building styles in Boston. My favorites are the very old school "triple deckers!" I posted a painting a while back of one. They have so much character! Homes to many immigrants now and way back when!
I gave the painting to my friend's daughter yesterday! She was thrilled and very surprised. I was nervous giving it to her. Sometimes my work is very unusual and for me there is the fear that others won't "get it" or even "like it!" She has been a fan of my work for years but still I was a bit worried! I wil post a photo soon!
Again, thanks for so much Wendy!
I visited your wonderful blog the other day and I will comments soon! I love the fact that you are an author and a painter! Good on your!
So very happy to be your also "on the other side of the world "East Coaster!
Glad to hear that your friend's daughter loved her painting - not surprised to hear she was thrilled!
DeleteThat's quite something being included in the commemorative book, yes, congratulations, but then your work was wonderful and fully charged with indignation over the horrific event. It was a thrill to see it go off without a hitch.
ReplyDeletethat's quite a brownstone. I love old architecture. I never spent much time drawing it though. Don't know why? You look quite at home sitting on those sunny steps.
Like the paintings of the skyline too. --There was nothing to dislike in this post. You look like a happy guy Michael. Your art buddy, Linda
Linda! I am so sorry for being so late in replying to your wonderful comments! I am not sure what is going on with my time but I have to get back on track! ASAP!
DeleteI am so lucky to have you and our other blogging buddies even writing comments! Must get my head on straight and be much more attentive!
So, my dear art buddy, thank you for visiting my little blog and always writing something so very nice! I am so glad you like my collage! I was so very sad and upset last year when I made it and placed it at the memorial!
I love my nephew's home! Sitting on those steps and watching all the world walk by is always fun for me! I am glad my nephew took the photo!
You are so very kind Linda! I am glad you like my little skyline painting. Started two or three others and finally gave the finished work to my friend's daughter yesterday!
Take care Linda! Now I am off to check out your wonderful post!
Your Happy To Be Your Happy Guy Art Buddy!
Hi Michael, the collage is beautiful and shows all the love you have for your city. It was a sad day but it's great to see people moving forward and coming out in numbers to support the runners. Boston is a city to be proud of!
ReplyDeleteI love your skyline painting, the overall blue with hints of bright colors is very dramatic! It will make an incredible gift for your friend!
Thank you for all your good wishes!
Ciao My Dear Roman Art Buddy!
DeleteHow are you feeling Celia! I hope you are on the mend and feeling better!
Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog and write! You are so very kind! I am so appreciative! I am sorry so late in responding to your comment!
You are so right our Marathon day was filled with sadness and hope! A very emotional day! So glad my wife and I were there this year!
I love Boston! So much! I often wonder why the city means so much to me! I also wonder if others love their home town as much as I love mine! I hope so! I know all my fellow Bostonians love our city!
I am glad you like my Boston skyline! I am so happy you noticed the drama in it! One thing I always want in my painting is emotion! Drama is great! I gave my friend her painting yesterday! She loved it! However I didn't give her this one! I am not sure why but I painted at least four different works! I finally, at the very last minute, stopped painting one of them, signed it, framed it, and decided that is it! My art process can be so bizarre! Most of the time I have a very vague plan and hardly ever keep to that even! She love her painting and I was thrilled!
So many more good wishes sent your way! I hope your recovery is speedy!
Your wishing You Well Boston Art Buddy!
Bonjour cher ami,
ReplyDeleteToutes mes félicitations ! Ce livre dans lequel est publiée votre merveilleuse oeuvre est un très bel hommage qui vous magnifie.
J'ai beaucoup aimé Boston lorsque je me suis rendue pour la première fois aux Etats-Unis. J'ai eu la chance d'y séjourner quelques jours et je vous assure que les semelles de mes chaussures ont souffert ! mais agréablement !!...
Actuellement j'ai plusieurs de mes peintures qui sont exposées à Cape Cod et l'année prochaine je dois retourner là -bas et probablement je me rendrai aussi à Boston.
La peinture que vous avez réalisée pour votre fille est absolument splendide. Elle doit être fière de vous.
L'harmonie des couleurs est pétillante. J'aime votre touche... Vous êtes talentueux.
Merci de partager avec nous ces magnifiques photos où vous rayonnez !
Gros bisous à vous
Bonjour my dear friend Martine!
DeleteSo very good to hear from you! Thank you, merci, for visiting my blog and writing such kind words! I am so sorry I am so late in replying!
I am very happy you like my work! You are such a talented artist your opinion means so much to me! Merci!
I am happy you have visited Boston! I am glad you got to visit the city and spend so much time walking about to enjoy the sights!
Thank you for your very kind words concerning my art! I am glad you enjoyed the photos of Boston!
I will plan a visit to Cape Cod soon and I hope to see your art in person. Could you send me the name of the town and gallery please?
Take care my dear art buddy!
Big hugs to you!
Your USA lover of the French language art buddy!
Michel aka Michael
Hi, Michael - what an uplifting blog post! I am so happy for you and your recognition and for Boston - so proud, so courageous and so strong! And "Boston from East Boston" is just fabulous - the color and brushwork are masterly!
ReplyDeleteHello My Dear Friend Susan! Love to hear from you! I am so sorry I am so late in replying to your wonderful comment! I am also sorry I haven't written on your blog lately! I have visited it often. You have been so very busy! I love your work, your photos, and your wonderful texts! I will visit again soon and write more!
DeleteI am always so very happy that you like my work. You are such a master! Your wonderful comments make my day and give me great confidence! Thank you so much Susan! Your work always defines what art means to me and to get great compliments from you is breathtaking! Thank you buddy! Boston is so courageous and strong. Interesting you wrote those words Susan because many in the city are using the phrase, "Boston Strong!" "Masterly colors and brush strokes!" Wow! Thanks again Susan! Soon I will be back to your blog and make time to write! Take care and please continue making great art and posting it for all to enjoy! Bravo!
Your Loving His Wonderful Comments From You Art Buddy!
that's a wonderful painting for your friends daughter, I'm sure she'll love it!! The old brownstone is a beauty isn't it! Such an awful tragedy the marathon last year...I'm glad it was celebrated even more this year... wonderful that your contribution to the memorial was photographed and in the book! all the best. happy spring!
ReplyDeleteHello My Wonderful Canadian Art Buddy!
ReplyDeleteSally I am so sorry it took me so long to reply to your fine comments! I think of you often and so much enjoy your blog! I have been visiting it but need to find time to write! I hate not having more time to do so many things I love to do!
The Brownstone certainly is a beauty! Thank you! I love visiting my nephew and his husband so much! Thanks for your support of the Boston Marathon. It was a huge celebration this year. Sometimes we Bostonians can get a "Don't mess with us attitude!" That pride was ever so present this year! I was thrilled to get a photo of my collage in the book. Happy and so surprised! Happy Spring to you also Sally! Finally spring has sprung in Massachusetts! How about you my neighbor to the north? (Oh, Bruins and Canadians are certainly making an interesting and exciting series! Such a rivalry!)
Happy Spring to you also Sally!
Your neighbor to the south!
Ciao Michael,
ReplyDeletemillions of people for this maratona! Very good!
All together to run is very nice and it is a community moment.
It is difficult for me to think in english so I can't say a lot.
Beatiful your work , is like a future town! the moon's town!
Ciao, ciao, Floriana